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I used to win money playing Quake regularly by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:41am PST
Ray, of Light wrote:

Monty Cantsin wrote:

Hitting the ball hard isn't the point of tennis, it's the point at which tennis begins. If you're playing someone who can hit hard then being able to hit hard is the entry fee you have to muster before the actual game, the deep game, the interesting high-level game even starts. In an RTS, clicking fast and knowing what beats what is the exact same thing.

At one end of that "entry fee" spectrum are the Corewars family and Everquest; at the other is, say, Quake. As the entry fee climbs, the deep game becomes more legend than reality. What you said holds, but Korean-level RTS matches are more Quake than Corewars, and I can see why someone would find that unsatisfying.

The genre's demands -- 'real-time', 'strategy' -- could be met with far less clicking than goes on today. I like the idea (which I conceived, just now) of Starcraft with scripting hooks, so that you're free to automate as much of the game as you like. You could download canned scripts ("StarScripts", I call them) and let your big brain compensate, or climb the (real-life, sort of) "tech tree" by writing fancy-ass, elite scripts.

If nothing else, it would silence a lot of crybabies.


Not that it matters, but, yeah . . .

I was reguarly breaking the top 10 in 5,000 player tourneys in Quake at age 17. Made a good bit of pocket money playing 48 hour weekend tourney binges in my senior year of high school. I had terrible aiming and reflexes compared to most of the other people I was playing towards the top but I could scare the fuck out of my opponents 1 on 1 by listening to their patterns and sometimes missing certain items that were 'must-have' on the given pattern I was running. Misdirection + use of sound = appearing from someplace I wasn't supposed to be and surprise the opponent constantly. It broke up a lot of people's rhythm while playing against me and allowed me to compensate for merely decent 'skillz.'

There was a sort of strategy to Quake that you could play with quite a bit and really use to fuck with people's heads if you were careful. I'm nowhere near that good now so it's actually more fun.

Starcraft, on the other hand, went from an enjoyable RTS to a tug of war in slightly under a couple of months after I found it thanks to the min-maxers. Honestly broke my heart to watch it happen because I knew I was a fairly good player (not great, but I could hold my own) beforehand and I always approached it like chess.

That got wiped out quick.
Why I hate RTS and how to make the greatest one EVAR by Tom-Foolery Constructor 02/21/2003, 2:29pm PST NEW
    Re: Why I hate RTS and how to make the greatest one EVAR by FABIO 02/21/2003, 7:23pm PST NEW
        What's wrong with rock/paper/scissors? by FoK 02/23/2003, 9:37pm PST NEW
            Re: What's wrong with rock/paper/scissors? by FABIO 02/23/2003, 11:01pm PST NEW
                Re: What's wrong with rock/paper/scissors? by fok 02/23/2003, 11:11pm PST NEW
            Did you even read the initial post? by Senor Barborito 02/23/2003, 11:10pm PST NEW
                Yeah... by fok 02/24/2003, 12:57am PST NEW
                you just rebuted yourself by FABIO 02/24/2003, 10:04am PST NEW
                    I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by Senor Barborito 02/24/2003, 10:17am PST NEW
                        Willful Misunderstanding by Mr. Palomar 02/24/2003, 12:39pm PST NEW
                        Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by FABIO 02/24/2003, 2:24pm PST NEW
                            Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by FABIO 02/24/2003, 2:26pm PST NEW
                                I did answer you, dumbass. Christ you're thick. by Senor Barborito 02/24/2003, 11:38pm PST NEW
                                    Re: I did answer you, dumbass. Christ you're thick. by FABIO 02/25/2003, 10:56am PST NEW
                                        Re: I did answer you, dumbass. Christ you're thick. by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:16pm PST NEW
                                            Fixed quotes. And hopefully clarified for the final time here. by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:24pm PST NEW
                                            JU-LIE! JU-LIE! JU-LIE! -nt- by Bill Dungsroman 02/26/2003, 5:21pm PST NEW
                                                Re: JU-LIE! JU-LIE! JU-LIE! -nt- by FABIO 02/26/2003, 9:24pm PST NEW
                        Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/24/2003, 3:25pm PST NEW
                            RE: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by Alternate789 02/24/2003, 4:16pm PST NEW
                            Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by curst 02/24/2003, 11:16pm PST NEW
                Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 1:40am PST NEW
                    That was easily the stupidest thing you have ever written by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 2:16am PST NEW
                        Re: That was easily the stupidest thing you have ever written by Zseni 02/25/2003, 2:35am PST NEW
                        Koreans: fast index fingers? by Fussbett 02/25/2003, 4:17am PST NEW
                            No, fast min-max by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:22am PST NEW
                                Re: No, fast min-max by ValiumAddict 02/25/2003, 3:39pm PST NEW
                                Re: No, fast min-max by TehFieryBalrog 07/05/2007, 9:36pm PDT NEW
                        Re: That was easily the stupidest thing you have ever written by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 4:44pm PST NEW
                    Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Zseni 02/25/2003, 2:26am PST NEW
                        Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 4:20pm PST NEW
                            Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Zseni 02/25/2003, 5:28pm PST NEW
                                Queneau plays Black and White by Mr. Palomar 02/25/2003, 5:59pm PST NEW
                                Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 7:35pm PST NEW
                                Re: Did you even read the initial post? by TehFieryBalrog 07/05/2007, 9:40pm PDT NEW
                                    If you're going to respond to 2003 you could get the title right. NT by Soul Calibur 07/05/2007, 9:42pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Ray, of Light 02/25/2003, 3:39am PST NEW
                        I used to win money playing Quake regularly by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:41am PST NEW
                            "See, I'm really good a video games!" by Irritating kid 02/25/2003, 9:20am PST NEW
                                Re: "See, I'm really good a video games!" by FABIO 02/25/2003, 11:55am PST NEW
                                    Hey, that's my line. by Fussbett 02/25/2003, 4:06pm PST NEW
                                        Video Games, Chess, and Laziness. by mrs. johnson 02/25/2003, 4:40pm PST NEW
                                            Yes, exactly. by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:29pm PST NEW
                                                Re: Yes, exactly. by mark 02/25/2003, 8:36pm PST NEW
                                                    This argument is pretty much over by now, right? by Bodybag 02/25/2003, 9:08pm PST NEW
                                                    There isn't one strategy for chess that will always win NT by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 11:49pm PST NEW
                                        that's guy's a fucking crackpot by FABIO 02/25/2003, 6:35pm PST NEW
                                            I don't know about suspense games, but much of his strategy talk is dead on-nt- by mark 02/25/2003, 6:51pm PST NEW
                                            it's all DePalma's fault by jeep 02/25/2003, 7:45pm PST NEW
                                                Re: it's all DePalma's fault by FABIO 02/25/2003, 10:44pm PST NEW
                                    Re: "See, I'm really good a video games!" by TehFieryBalrog 07/05/2007, 9:43pm PDT NEW
                                        This guy is new and already knows SB was crazy and Zseni is bad at everything by Flavilio 07/06/2007, 12:10am PDT NEW
                                            Battlenet screenname is Balrog200 or soapie on USEast, channel scu NT by TehFieryBalrog 07/07/2007, 12:32am PDT NEW
                                                alternatively aim screenname is balrog36 NT by TehFieryBalrog 07/07/2007, 12:47am PDT NEW
                                                    ^^^ This guy loves balrogs. NT by Any and all balrogs. 07/07/2007, 2:57am PDT NEW
                        Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 5:03pm PST NEW
                            You CAN turtle in RA2+YR by Bodybag 02/25/2003, 6:57pm PST NEW
                                Re: You CAN turtle in RA2+YR by jeep 02/25/2003, 7:51pm PST NEW
                                    Re: You CAN turtle in RA2+YR by Bodybag 02/25/2003, 8:17pm PST NEW
                            Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Ray, of Light 02/25/2003, 8:00pm PST NEW
                        StarScripts are tomorrow's Blueprints by Fussbett 10/30/2006, 11:30pm PST NEW
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