Forum Overview :: Gamerasutra
Re: "See, I'm really good a video games!" by FABIO 02/25/2003, 11:55am PST
I'm wondering why Starcraft is being held up as everything wrong with RTS games. Mindless??? SC has YET to be matched for the sheer number of tactical options at your disposal. I played that game for 4 years and was constantly seeing new strategies discovered (I used the sunken colony rush BEFORE it was cool!). Broodwar managed to totally change the game by merely adding TWO UNITS to each side.

One game me and a partner took down ten protoss carriers by using only a defiler, a science vessel, and a single valkyrie because while Rushy McRush was busy massing single unit types to send at us with the attack+move command, we were able to come up with a winning combo capable of taking out an entire 4000+ mineral armada using only 500 minerals worth of units. Another game had a zerg player doing nothing but cranking out hydralisks constantly from 5 hatcheries and blindly sending them at us in a never ending stream, exactly the same type of player that SB fears. I giggled as my two lurkers racked up 50 kills each while they sat under a dark swarm immune to the hydralisks' attacks. Could my opponent have worked around this? Sure, but he would have had to manuver queens through my patrolling scourage screen in order to broodling my lurkers, and like you said he was probably too busy mashing the build button to notice this or pull it off.

There are a billion ways to fight off massive rush hordes with just a few units and some brains. You can cast mass hallucinations of archons (or better yet, ultralisks) and have your ranged units in the rear maul your opponent while he's busy whittling down the massive amount of hitpoints your illusions have. You can build a nydus canal inside his own creep since he's too budy clicking to notice. You play hit and run with a few plagues or psi storms. You can have a couple cloaked units chew up his force because he was thought he could get away with not having any detection. You can take out his siege tanks with queens and render his attack impotent. You can plant lurkers at various points to damage and slow him down. You can have ghosts lockdown his entire carrier group and tear their helpless asses apart. You can ensnare his melee units and dance circles around them. Should I go on?

Sure there are a few times that no matter what amazing tactics or kill ratios you pull of your opponent will overwhelm you with sheer weight of numbers, but if that happens it means you sat back and let him take control of the map. You'd be surprised what pulling a few simple raids on such a person's expansions will do. I've played games where I thought I was fucked and about to be overrun but figured I'd take a few of his expansions with me before I went down. After blitzing through a few unguarded expansions with just a small number of units, the flood of enemy units attacking suddenly trickled to a halt. He was broke, game over.

If SB is whining about these problems then he just plain sucks at starcraft. Don't go waving your SC cock around here. No, you are not good. No, you cannot hold your own. I haven't played in almost a year and I could still RIP YOU APART, anytime bitch*. I'll even limit myself to 90 supply points so you can't complain about that sheer numbers shit. If it makes you feel any better, I could tape my eyes into slants so could still have an excuse when you lose.

The only complaint I have about RTS's is I wish they'd automate the resource gathering. Instead of building individual workers and ordering them around, can't I just have a single mobile gathering unit/building that automatically generates income whenever I place it next to some resources?

*that SC Broodwar challenge goes out to all of you, I'd really like to find some opponents. The only reason I stopped playing was the fact that everyone on stopped using maps that weren't big game hunters, lost temple, or some horrific custom map some kid shat out. The only way we could lure people into our games was to call them 2ON2 NAKED MEDIC HACK and even then everyone would quit once they found out that the medics still had their clothes on.
Why I hate RTS and how to make the greatest one EVAR by Tom-Foolery Constructor 02/21/2003, 2:29pm PST NEW
    Re: Why I hate RTS and how to make the greatest one EVAR by FABIO 02/21/2003, 7:23pm PST NEW
        What's wrong with rock/paper/scissors? by FoK 02/23/2003, 9:37pm PST NEW
            Re: What's wrong with rock/paper/scissors? by FABIO 02/23/2003, 11:01pm PST NEW
                Re: What's wrong with rock/paper/scissors? by fok 02/23/2003, 11:11pm PST NEW
            Did you even read the initial post? by Senor Barborito 02/23/2003, 11:10pm PST NEW
                Yeah... by fok 02/24/2003, 12:57am PST NEW
                you just rebuted yourself by FABIO 02/24/2003, 10:04am PST NEW
                    I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by Senor Barborito 02/24/2003, 10:17am PST NEW
                        Willful Misunderstanding by Mr. Palomar 02/24/2003, 12:39pm PST NEW
                        Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by FABIO 02/24/2003, 2:24pm PST NEW
                            Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by FABIO 02/24/2003, 2:26pm PST NEW
                                I did answer you, dumbass. Christ you're thick. by Senor Barborito 02/24/2003, 11:38pm PST NEW
                                    Re: I did answer you, dumbass. Christ you're thick. by FABIO 02/25/2003, 10:56am PST NEW
                                        Re: I did answer you, dumbass. Christ you're thick. by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:16pm PST NEW
                                            Fixed quotes. And hopefully clarified for the final time here. by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:24pm PST NEW
                                            JU-LIE! JU-LIE! JU-LIE! -nt- by Bill Dungsroman 02/26/2003, 5:21pm PST NEW
                                                Re: JU-LIE! JU-LIE! JU-LIE! -nt- by FABIO 02/26/2003, 9:24pm PST NEW
                        Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/24/2003, 3:25pm PST NEW
                            RE: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by Alternate789 02/24/2003, 4:16pm PST NEW
                            Re: I think it was pretty obvious what I was saying, dumbass by curst 02/24/2003, 11:16pm PST NEW
                Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 1:40am PST NEW
                    That was easily the stupidest thing you have ever written by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 2:16am PST NEW
                        Re: That was easily the stupidest thing you have ever written by Zseni 02/25/2003, 2:35am PST NEW
                        Koreans: fast index fingers? by Fussbett 02/25/2003, 4:17am PST NEW
                            No, fast min-max by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:22am PST NEW
                                Re: No, fast min-max by ValiumAddict 02/25/2003, 3:39pm PST NEW
                                Re: No, fast min-max by TehFieryBalrog 07/05/2007, 9:36pm PDT NEW
                        Re: That was easily the stupidest thing you have ever written by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 4:44pm PST NEW
                    Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Zseni 02/25/2003, 2:26am PST NEW
                        Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 4:20pm PST NEW
                            Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Zseni 02/25/2003, 5:28pm PST NEW
                                Queneau plays Black and White by Mr. Palomar 02/25/2003, 5:59pm PST NEW
                                Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 7:35pm PST NEW
                                Re: Did you even read the initial post? by TehFieryBalrog 07/05/2007, 9:40pm PDT NEW
                                    If you're going to respond to 2003 you could get the title right. NT by Soul Calibur 07/05/2007, 9:42pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Ray, of Light 02/25/2003, 3:39am PST NEW
                        I used to win money playing Quake regularly by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:41am PST NEW
                            "See, I'm really good a video games!" by Irritating kid 02/25/2003, 9:20am PST NEW
                                Re: "See, I'm really good a video games!" by FABIO 02/25/2003, 11:55am PST NEW
                                    Hey, that's my line. by Fussbett 02/25/2003, 4:06pm PST NEW
                                        Video Games, Chess, and Laziness. by mrs. johnson 02/25/2003, 4:40pm PST NEW
                                            Yes, exactly. by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 7:29pm PST NEW
                                                Re: Yes, exactly. by mark 02/25/2003, 8:36pm PST NEW
                                                    This argument is pretty much over by now, right? by Bodybag 02/25/2003, 9:08pm PST NEW
                                                    There isn't one strategy for chess that will always win NT by Senor Barborito 02/25/2003, 11:49pm PST NEW
                                        that's guy's a fucking crackpot by FABIO 02/25/2003, 6:35pm PST NEW
                                            I don't know about suspense games, but much of his strategy talk is dead on-nt- by mark 02/25/2003, 6:51pm PST NEW
                                            it's all DePalma's fault by jeep 02/25/2003, 7:45pm PST NEW
                                                Re: it's all DePalma's fault by FABIO 02/25/2003, 10:44pm PST NEW
                                    Re: "See, I'm really good a video games!" by TehFieryBalrog 07/05/2007, 9:43pm PDT NEW
                                        This guy is new and already knows SB was crazy and Zseni is bad at everything by Flavilio 07/06/2007, 12:10am PDT NEW
                                            Battlenet screenname is Balrog200 or soapie on USEast, channel scu NT by TehFieryBalrog 07/07/2007, 12:32am PDT NEW
                                                alternatively aim screenname is balrog36 NT by TehFieryBalrog 07/07/2007, 12:47am PDT NEW
                                                    ^^^ This guy loves balrogs. NT by Any and all balrogs. 07/07/2007, 2:57am PDT NEW
                        Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Monty Cantsin 02/25/2003, 5:03pm PST NEW
                            You CAN turtle in RA2+YR by Bodybag 02/25/2003, 6:57pm PST NEW
                                Re: You CAN turtle in RA2+YR by jeep 02/25/2003, 7:51pm PST NEW
                                    Re: You CAN turtle in RA2+YR by Bodybag 02/25/2003, 8:17pm PST NEW
                            Re: Did you even read the initial post? by Ray, of Light 02/25/2003, 8:00pm PST NEW
                        StarScripts are tomorrow's Blueprints by Fussbett 10/30/2006, 11:30pm PST NEW
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